
New Member
Apr 7, 2004
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HI! This is my first post! I am so fortunate to have found this forum. I hope I find the solutions to my problems here. I have a 25 gallon tank with 8 gouramis, a placo, few other algae eating fish and a catfish. I am having problems with the aquariums HIGH NITRATE levels. My ammonia and nitrite readings are low. I bought a lot of plants in an effort solve this problem because to what I have been told, plants actually use nitrate to grow! However, even with a lot of plants in my aquarium and over 3 week time period, my nitrate levels are still almost off the scale on my test strips! My water's hardness levels are also a bit high and my ph a bit low. Can someone help with this problem please, I think my fish are getting sick! If anyone needs anymore info, please let me know. Thank you very much!

When I was cycling my tank, and nitrite and nitrates were sky high moss and alge started growing everywhere and the plants were starting to die. I had to do a 50% watr change, but they looked better straight away :)
LoveMyOscar said:
Well, any reading over 0 for ammonia or nitrites is not good. Do several small/medium water changes to get the params back down. From what I have seen I think your tank is a little over stocked. The pleco puts off a lot of waste and that in combo with all the other fish you are over your tanks bioload. If you don't have a 55 gallon + tank to move your pleco to you need to get rid of him. THe common plecos get to be 12+ inches.

Basically, change the water several times and retest. If you still can't get your params under control you need to think about getting rid of some fish. :)
that sounds like good advice ,

What kinds of gouramis ?

also could it be possible that you are over feeding ?

do the water changes , the plants will also benefit from the water changes .

To much nitrate can cause problems for plants also . good luck .
Like others have been saying, you must do weekly / monthly (if you can get away with it) water changes. Water changes are the only way to get rid of the nitrates.
I used to change 40% of my water every other week. Now because of the fish I choose to keep now I change my 25% of my water twice a week.
Nitrate is in your water because the bacteria which turns ammonia into nitrate is being fed lots of ammonia.

Look for sources of ammonia, any uneated food? lots and lots of fish waste? (aka too many fish) or dead leaves.... as suggested cut down on the feeds a little, the fish will be fine and thus they will produce less waste.
THANKS ALOT FOR THE HELP GUYS! AWESOME FORUM! The ammonia and nitrite leves are actually near zero now. Unfortunately, the nirtrate is still off the chart and one of the gouramis died a few days ago. Thanks guys for the help. I will keep on with the water changes. I guess plants dont really consume nitrate huh? The guy at the fish store must be laughing all the way to the bank from how many plants I bought. LOL! Had I known ONLY water changes and NOT plants could get rid of nitrate, I would've gladly changed the water for my fish. Thanks guys! If any of you have any more suggestions, they're always definitely welcome! THANKS AGAIN!

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