Plants And Undergravel Filters


New Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Hey all,

I'm fairly new to the site and it seems like there's quite a few knowledgeable people here, so I'll ask a question that I haven't yet discovered the answer to.

Can live plants thrive in a tank with an undergravel filter?

I've been keeping fish for over 15 years, in nothing larger than a 29 gal tank, and I've never used any filter other than an undergravel filter. My current setup is a 29 gal tank, under gravel filter and 2 powerheads providing flow for the filter. I do 30% water changes every 2 weeks, and my fish are generally healthy. I had a small rash of neon tetra disease with the last set of neons that I bought. I've only ever used artificial plants and decorations in my setups, but after seeing so many gorgeous pictures of live plants on this site, I'd really like to give it a try without totally re-building my tank.

Any thoughts, suggestions?

The substrate can be too aerobic so if any iron is available then they stay in their oxide precipitates which plants cannot use. Organic matter that collects in the substrate (No UGF) plants can use it for a fertiliser.

They also damage plant roots.

If you want plants, then get species that don root in the substrate like:

java fern
bolbitis etc

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