Plants.. And Snails. What To Do?


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
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I have a very heavily planted 29 gallon tank with a bit of a problem. There have been snails since pretty much day 1. They didn't really bother me at first but now there are so many. I think they may be malaysian trumpet snails, their shells are long and white, I will post a picture. There are some other kind of snails in there too, probably pond snails. Some of my plants have holes in the leaves and it looks like the leaves were munched on.

The problem is my dad overfeeds the fish (so a lot of food sinks down to the bottom before the fish have a chance to eat it) which has led to the snail population exploding. I'm in school in another town so he feeds the fish during the week when I'm away at school. I have tried explaining how much to feed and why, showing him, telling him to only feed them every other day but nope, he just doesn't get it.

So I am thinking to get some kind of loach that eats snails. Can someone recommend a species suitable for my tank? I try and research online but get fed up with all the conflicting information so I thought I'd come here and ask some real people!
In the tank currently are 9 harlequin rasboras, 6 tetras of some kind (I can't remember but they are purple with reddish coloured fins), 1 bolivian ram and 1 albino bristlenose pleco.

Now I said I would post a picture of these snails but I have no idea how to post a picture. Can someone walk me through it?
i had same problem, the way i got rid of um was a new tank an all new filter and that as i had loads of eggs on my tank when i thought i got rid of um i was wrong i ended up having 200 plant snails But someone must know how get pid of um without a new setup just remember wash your plants when u get new ones.
I had the exact same problem, i bought and introduced three Assassin snails and over a period of a month the problem was cured!!!

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