Plants and Heaters


Fish Crazy
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Detroit, Mich USA
I have two quick questions....

1. I have had 2 instances with a heater that has gotten too hot for the fish. Anyone else have this happen? Can I keep the tropical tank without a heater?

2. I see alot of posts about plants... Are live plants good for swordtails and mollies? What about the snails?

(trying to learn more about a happy tank = )
Always use an independant thermometer with any heater.

You can keep Tropicals without a heater, if you can maitain a constant room temperature warm enough with out temperature fluctuations. But ideally you should use a heater.

Live plants will benefit the Molly and Sawordtail Fry as they can hide :nod:

But plants IMO are harder to keep than most fish :eek: Unless you get easy to grow, low light un-fussy ones.

I don't have Snails so someone else should help you with that
I'm not exactly sure what kind of heater it is... all it says is "Aquarium Heater". But when I bought it, it said it was for a 30 gallon... which is what I have. I have it on the lowest setting... but its still too warm. Its always been 80-82 degrees... but for some reason today it was much higher. I think its a higher watt or something, I will probably buy a new one tomorrow. Any suggestions?
Jen21 said:
I'm not exactly sure what kind of heater it is... all it says is "Aquarium Heater". But when I bought it, it said it was for a 30 gallon... which is what I have. I have it on the lowest setting... but its still too warm. Its always been 80-82 degrees... but for some reason today it was much higher. I think its a higher watt or something, I will probably buy a new one tomorrow. Any suggestions?
1. The internal thermometer in the heater could be "wrong".

Unplug your heater for 30 minutes. This will allow the thermometer (inside the heater) to take an accurate reading of the water temp, and adjust itself accordingly, when you plug it back in.

If that doesn't work, you should think about replacing it.

Do you know how many watts your heater is? I've been running a 150 watt on my 29g (US) for 6 years without a problem.

2. Live plants are great for livebearers, although I'd stay away from very delicate plants, such as Frill, because I've heard the mollies might tend to pick at them.

What kind of snails are you refering to?
I have an Ivory Mystery snail that I wouldn't let get within 10 feet of my planted tanks. :sly:

Also, make sure you buy plants that will thrive under your lighting.

How many watts of lighting do you have?

I'd suggest doing alot of research and ask lots of questions before you buy plants.
Here's a good place to start researching:

Live plants add a whole new dimension to fishkeeping. IMO, most fish kept in a well planted tank tend to be happier and healthier. They are definatly worth your time and effort. :nod:

HTH :thumbs:
My heater is a 150 watt too, and in a 30 gallon tank. I have it on the lowest setting... and its still too hot. I unplugged it last night because I was afraid it was going to over heat again, and the water got down to 70 degrees. I plugged it back in and now the water is up to 80, and the fish have ich bad again from the temp difference. *****sigh*****

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