Plants And Fishless Cycle Questions


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
During the fishless cycle, can you add liquid plant food?
Will it affect the fishless cycle and readings in any way?
Will too much ammonia kill the plants.?

I have a very large Anubia on driftwood and dont want to kill it............
Some of the leaves are looking brown and a bit sick whilst other are nice and green......


PS I wasn't sure whether to post it here or under the Plants section........... :blush:
During the fishless cycle, can you add liquid plant food?
Will it affect the fishless cycle and readings in any way?
Will too much ammonia kill the plants.?

I have a very large Anubia on driftwood and dont want to kill it............
Some of the leaves are looking brown and a bit sick whilst other are nice and green......


PS I wasn't sure whether to post it here or under the Plants section........... :blush:
Yes, you can add ferts during a fishless cycle, and it shouldn't effect the cycle at all.

Live plants in our tanks will actually use ammonia as a source of nutrients, but I would not let the ammonia go over 8 ppm, it might actually effect the plants?

How much light do you have for this tank, and are you injecting any Co2?

ammonia levels at 5ppm can affect plants, after all, it is a toxin. Adding extra trace elements heps with anubias,
No wonder my anubias is growing new leaves, I have been using Flourish for my fert.

I've been added liquid ferts to our cycling tank and everything is peachy so far.
Hasn't messed with the cycle in any way.
Good to know..........

Currently using 2 T5 tube lights at 39 watts each and on for approx 6 hours per i have 12 blue moon lights which come on after the T5's and are on for approx 3 hours...

I have liquid fertaliser so will add this to the tank tonight........

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