plants and cycling,


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2004
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um when using a fishless cycle,
when do you put the plants in?
before or after?
and do the plants produce any waste?
If you are wondering about live plants, as far as for a bacteria source, add them before you start cycling your tank. If you are talking about a planted tank, I would think you would want to wait till your tank is cycled. I do not know much about planted tanks however. Others here would be more suited to answer that for you. I bought my potted plant as basically a sacrificial lamb, to be used only for the bacteria that it provided. Also I don't believe that plants produce any waste, in fact they consume nitrates for fertilizer as I understand.
IMO... if you're talking about a planted tank, you should add them prior to or during the cycle. I did it that way with my tank. Plants can survive the ammonia and nitrite. All my plants survived the cycle, and also prevented the "newly cycled tank algae syndrome".
Agreed..Put the plants in when you want I did the same as heresmike and all plants survived just fine and they have beneficial bacteria that will actually help speed up the cycle. The plants were cabomba, swords, val, some crypts and a few others. They dont produce waste that will affect the cycle just o2 and c02 some of them as has been pointed out will use the nitrate as well. HTH :)
I've only ever cycled things once, but for what it is worth, I put the plants in up front. When the no3 started going throught he roof, we had moss and algae every where . They started to look a bit sick, so I had to do a 50% water change so I didn't loose them.

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