Planting Substrate

i am startin up a new tank could i use this soil as a base substrate [URL=";isSearch=false"];isSearch=false[/URL]

with sand or gravel on top?? thanks

I used aquatic soil in a 35l tank and my god was it the worst thing i ever done lol, smells terrible, uprooting plants made the soil seap... clouding the tank causing no end of grief doing water changes, and since changing it ive noticed the tank hasnt got quite the yellowish tinge i thought the lights were producing leaving me to believe it was the soil doing it all along, however it was great for plant grow but not much else :(

Well my experience with soil in a planted tank is not that well lol, I actually was able to grow mold in the soil, I wouldn't reco it but thats just my experience. When I looked at a good substrate I did alot of bashing of the dollar sign and looked and researched what would be the best for my needs. My needs being I wanted it to last forever basically or at least 10 years!

Take a look in my signature about my 55 and see how I did the substrate I ended up using vermaculite mixed with peat, Clay and Silica sand!

Enjoy Not sure If i posted all reasons but the point was for it to last and when the clay exhausts itself it actually reasorbs nutrients back into to exhaust again a repeat process.

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