Fish Crazy
I'm still waiting for 2 Clown plecos from the LFS, and maybe a Butterfly pl*co, but I don't know if they will mess with my plants ???
I'm planning to have a widely planted tank, mostly with riccia, java moss, dwarf grass and will probably add some other type of background (tall) plants. I currently have a little bunch of Anacharis. I also have a piece of driftwood, and I'm considering if I should or shouldn't let some moss grow over it (because of the pl*cos)
Does anyone here has had any bad experiences with pl*cos destroying your planted tank Or could you guys maybe recommend some plants that they won't like to eat???
I'm planning to have a widely planted tank, mostly with riccia, java moss, dwarf grass and will probably add some other type of background (tall) plants. I currently have a little bunch of Anacharis. I also have a piece of driftwood, and I'm considering if I should or shouldn't let some moss grow over it (because of the pl*cos)
Does anyone here has had any bad experiences with pl*cos destroying your planted tank Or could you guys maybe recommend some plants that they won't like to eat???