planted tank ... possible with plecos?


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Gdl, Mexico
I'm still waiting for 2 Clown plecos from the LFS, and maybe a Butterfly pl*co, but I don't know if they will mess with my plants ??? :/

I'm planning to have a widely planted tank, mostly with riccia, java moss, dwarf grass and will probably add some other type of background (tall) plants. I currently have a little bunch of Anacharis. I also have a piece of driftwood, and I'm considering if I should or shouldn't let some moss grow over it (because of the pl*cos)

Does anyone here has had any bad experiences with pl*cos destroying your planted tank???? Or could you guys maybe recommend some plants that they won't like to eat??? :rolleyes:
All my tanks are planted, and they all have plecs, so I'd say yes. It's no problem at all. So long as you don't get a heavily herbivorous plec (if any exist?).
thanks, have you tried with moss grown on a driftwood piece??? I don't know if it would last considering they like to suck up on it. :blink:
andywg said:
All my tanks are planted, and they all have plecs, so I'd say yes. It's no problem at all. So long as you don't get a heavily herbivorous plec (if any exist?).
They do exist but I don't think they are too dangerous to plants so long as they are fed their own food regularly.
You should be fine with clown plecs anyway, because they're not big on veggies and prefer a meaty diet.
Clown plecos can be extremely innactive, especially on their own. Bristlenose plecs tend to do alot better job of controlling algae and are active throughout the day.

There are various other types of plecs that don't grow to big and do a good job, and there are also lots of ornamental plecs that look great and are very active. I have found my L200 (Green Phantom Plec) To be very active indeed!

If however you go for clown plecs, get a group of 3 plus, they will not thank you enough. Although I would disagree with Sir Minion, Clown plecs NEED a diet of bogwood and deffinately like veggies in their diets, although I would be very surprised if they ate your plants.

thanks :D

@ bunjiweb
I would love to get 3 Clowns (or more) but I also like the Butterfly ones so I will get 2 Clowns + a Butterfly and maybe later on a Bristlenose, this would depend on how many more inhabitants will reside in the 75 tank in the near future since I also want some Dwarf Gouramies and many Cardinal Tetras.

BTW I didn't know that about Bristlenose Plecos, unfortunately, at the moment I only have one piece of driftwood, with 2 like-caves, so maybe I would need another piece if I want a Bristlenose, too bad it's way too expensive here and I don't go to lakes/rivers that often :(

Going even more off-topic:
Do you guys think that it will be "OK" to have 3 or 4 of these Plecos in this 75Gal tank (48 x 18 x 21 ")??? They will be the only ones at the bottom of the tank btw :blink:

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