Planted Nano 2.4 Gal Journal!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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Ok just though i'd start a journal on my lil planted nano hehe.

Early days, had just bought my hang on back filter (Star buy) and was ready to get started!.

Got my light fitted (11w), and my pad heater and thermometer, hehe all equipment sorted then :p also added some aquatic compost under gravel!.

Next up ordered plants from java plants: banana plant, Blyxa Japonica(disaster) and java moss. Tank looked pretty much horrid with the stone in there.

Closer pic, didn't research the blyxa... requires soft water, mine was quite hard, soon decayed....

Picture took today as seen behind bogwood Blyxa has decayed however, new plants have been introduced (Twisted Vallis and Crypts) and also Co2 has been introduced, (DIY BOTTLE) and my PH has now lowered. So hoping for recovery on Blyxa :good:

Another picture from today hopefully with the Co2 substrate softer Ph and more plants the tank will mature and will be flourishing pretty soon! :D
Photo tips: Turn off all the lights in the room, and make sure the only light is from the tank light (ie, it's better to take photos when the sun's gone down in the evening, with curtains closed). Also, make sure the flash is off on your camera. This will result in a much clearer photograph.

The tank is making progress. Looks better now you've got rid of that unsightly chunk of rock! It wasn't the right choice for a tank of your size in my opinion. Keep working on it, and you'll gradually formulate an idea for yourself of what works and what doesn't.
I agree with Sibelius' photography suggestions, makes for much better, more dramatic photos. Are there plans for a background?

Also what are your livestock plans?

Nice tank, though, I've got a 2.5g with 13W, so it's pretty similar. Blyxa Japonica won't do well in your tank. It prefers soft water and quite a bit more lighting. 11W over 2.5g isn't a lot of light, really it's a low-light tank. Your best with crypts, mosses, anubias, and hardy stemplants for an effective aquascape. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news. Today, I'm being a real party pooper, yours isn't the first thread where I've been critical.

Still, it's a cute setup with lots of potential.

llj :)
Had a HUGE update, complete clean out but kept 50 % of the water in a bowl so won't need to re- cycle the tank.

Big Thanks to George Farmer for sendin me some tropica plant substrate! :thumbs:

I have now put new substrate over the top, rearanged some stuff just for the fun of it (Wont aquascape till plant growth is adequate) and also have added 10 MTS and one apple snail. It looks a lot better just hope the plants will have a better growth now! :) .

I'm also thinking about adding some Elodea Densa that I have growing in my pond because I have vast amounts of it and it grows quickly and would slow algae growth, what do you guys think?
Should be good!

Keep updating.



Heres the pics, took your advice but they seem blurry, don't know why, so do you think I should introduce a lot of elodea densa?
Ahhhhh, much better. In the future you might consider downsizeing your wood furthur, 2 smaller pieces would be less obtrusive, than your 1 large one. But this tank is getting better all the time. Give the plants everything they need, and a chance to grow. And also, if you water allows, put in a few amano shrimp or 3 otocinclus to help the tank.
Looks like a good start!

I think the trouble with nano tanks is that you can't really see just how small they are, so you need something else in the photo that you can relate to. A coke can maybe, or your hand, like George did :)

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