Planted Marine


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, I've been thinking about a planted marine nano, but I don't know anything about the algaes and seaweeds and other things out there, and was wondering if anyone could help me out on this.

Also, Ski told me 2 T8's would be fine, would 24w of PC be alright over a 24g? or is this well too low

Do you want mangroves ,sea grass,or just misc. alge.
I have some articles on thise type of set up would you like some links?
links would be great, seagrass - don't they need like 2 ft of sand to grow in?

I would probably go with various algaes, looking for suggestions on what types, red ones would be awesome :D
If you can i would go with a 30 or 40 gallon breeder.
These tanks alowe you to make a nicer aouascape.
I have seen a 40 breeder that had a small reef ridge at one end then most of the tank was a sloping field of sea grass that ended in a small area that was out of water with dune grass and fiddler crabs.
Ther was also a area of mangroves in the shallows.

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