Planted Finally Looking Good...


Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
Huntingdon, Cambs
After fiddling about with the plants in my tanks and getting a few new ones(java fern & hygro siamensis) I'm actually really pleased with my tanks at the moment.

Here's the 30G which is still looking a little bare and those filters look ghastly but apart from that I love it :p


This is the 15G tank which is my fav tank at the moment;


And just for the sake of it here's my frog tank and a few pics of the frogs because they are so cute!






and some of my amano shrimp;




Nice tanks, although some of those plants (the larger stemed ones with really big leaves) don't look aquatic.
Thanks everyone, I'm really pleased with them :)

PRW they are all definately aquatic, they are tropica plants. In the first pic the big one on the left is hygrophilia siamensis B in the centre is some nice big java fern on the bogwood, the slightly darker big leaves on the right are hygrophilia siamensis. Similar thing in the second tank it's hygrophilia siamensis B and java fern, only other one with big leaves is a big crypt in the centre of the tank. I chose these plants because of their big leaves, I love them, esp. the hygro siamensis B :D
Your tanks look great! :good:

Can I have more info on your setups 30G and 15G ? Lighting, co2, fert? thanks :)
I used ordinary play sand rainy.

The 30G has 2 x 18w bulbs, nutrafin Co2 cannister, jbl ferropol & a few api root tabs

The 15G has 1 x 18W bulb, no Co2, Jbl ferropol & some root tabs

Jut basic setups, not going high tech planted until the new year :p
Your plants look nice and healthy. :good:

Now for the hard bit...... a little aquascaping.:crazy: Start by putting plants in bunches ie the Egeria densa, and try to produce a fore, mid and background with plants of varying height. Try moving the wood in the 30G off centre.

I'm saving the aquascaping for when I go high tech :p I like the randomness of the placement of the plants, I like it to look kind of jungle like. I do agree the bogwood in the 30G needs to be more off centre, it's just hard not to do everything symmetrical because I'm just like that, the wood being off centre in the 15G irritates me sometimes, I'm always so tempted to put it central so the whole tank is more symmetrical :lol: Need to get a few more plants for the 30G to fill it out a bit more then I'll move things about again and make sure I do the wood off centre :D
Looking great :good:

I really like the 30g when all the Val and other plants grow in it is going to look amazing. I agree with Dave on the wood that offsetting it to the left or right would be better (I would pick the right). Imagine drawing lines down the front of the tank to split it into three and then put the wood on one of these lines.

I wouldnt mess to much with the plantings in that one though as you will get a nice back-foreground flow once they are grow in (might need something lower growing around the front of them but I would see what they are like in a couple of months).

All that being said if you leave it exactly as it is it is still looking great :good: Glad you are a bit happier with your tanks now :)

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