Planted/ Community Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Croydon, Surrey
Hi all! I am usually on the salty side of these forums but I thought it was about time I shared pictures of the biggest tank I have. Previously I kept my pond fish I here whilst waiting for them to grow, and then I was conemplating turning it inot a reef, but decided on a tropical set up because of a couple of fish I already had that were in a tank way too small for them. So here I go:

Specs: About 3 inches of aquatic compost, with gravel on top
1 36W freshwater plant growth bulb
2 internal filters
1 heater
The tank is about 4ft by 2 and a half feet by 2 and a half feet tall
No nutrient additions for plants, and now powerheads, only flow is from filter output.

Inhabitants: 1 weather loach, 1 angelfish, 1 plec, 2 flying foxes, siamese algea eaters, 2 bala sharks, 1 dwarf blue gourami, 1 dwarf red gourami, 3 mollies, 2 platties.

Left Side -

Centre -

Right Side -

Angel -

I have had this guy for years, eversince he was a tiny little thing. He has lived his whole life in a tiny little 5 gallon tank in my room before I decided enough was enough and he needed some room. I am amazed he is doing so well and lasted so long because he shared his 5 gallon tank with two gourami for about 3 years.



The twins -

I have had these guys for years as well, sice they were the size of my little finger, now they are both pretty fat, one noticably fatter than the other. They are always chasing eachother around the tank and having fun. They lived in the same tank before even though it was a coldwater set up, but they have adjusted to the tropial temperatures very well.

Another inhabitant that I have had since a baby, and who also used to live in coldwater condition, my plec -

well, his tail that is. He is very secrative and only comes out when people arent around. I have recently fed him a piece of potato and a piece of ramaine which he has eaten in just under a week. I am only just starting to feed him these food, as before he used to eat any algea that was in the tank. He is looking a bit pale so I thought some solid food would be good for him.

Feeding frenzy!!!!




And now the main reason I turned the tank into a tropical set up and not a reef....



My weather loach!!!! Have had this guy for over six years I would say. Is such a cool fish. Lived peacefuly with my pond fish and now with my tropical fish. I changed the set up into tropical instead of a reef because I did not want to put him into the pond with the other fish, and I didnt want to put him in a smaller tank. So as a result I have lowered the temps of the tank to about 23 so it is not too hot for him. He is such a great character. I used to have a comet who would call the weather loach when I fed them, and used to guide the weather loach to the food, because he doesnt have great eyesight of course.

I am looking to add more fish as it looks a bit empty at them moment. I welcome any suggestions for further additions that would look the tank look good, maybe something a bit unusual? Any suggestions on how to improve the set up. Any ideas why the tall curly plants are going a bit brown?
nice tank 6 years for the loach mine is a dojo did yours grow??
Yeah he has grown since I first got him, but not as much now. My neighbour had a really fat one, like twice the thickness of mine, but not sure how it got that big. He got really big because he used to eat the pond fish I fed my pond fish, but now he is on tropical flakes so not as much growth.

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