Planted Bogwood


New Member
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
manchester, england
i have seen in other peoples tanks, and also in some aquariums, bogwood with fake plants attatched, and i was wondering if i could do this myself by buying bogwood and plants and sticking that together with silicoln sealant. not really sure how effective this would be, any advice would be greatly apprieciated.
why fake plants?

java fern will survive in just about any water conditions so use that.

literally tie to the wood with cotton thread or fine fishing line. dont use sealant it's unnecessary and probebly wont hold. in about 3 months the roots will attach and you can remove the thread.
i have seen in other peoples tanks, and also in some aquariums, bogwood with fake plants attatched, and i was wondering if i could do this myself by buying bogwood and plants and sticking that together with silicoln sealant. not really sure how effective this would be, any advice would be greatly apprieciated.

You have probably seen bogwood with live plants attacehd, not fake ;)
A simple tip, logical really!
When buying bogwood, search for the piece(s) that have holes and cracks in, gives the roots something to grow into :good:
I like Anubius , Its a really easy plant to take care of,and very hardy , It can survive in just about any water conditions , like Java Fern,and Java Moss.All can be attached to bogwood.

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