Planted Aquariums


Fish Crazy
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I'm still a bit of a novice at keeping fish (I had a bad run with a Dempsy and eventually returned it). I'm much better at keeping smaller fish then large ones, and I was wondering what kind of experience and planning it takes to start a planted aquarium.

The only things I guess one might consider planting are the little plant things that came with my Black Moors.

I know I probably won't start a project like that for a while, but if I could get brainstorming now, that would be great!!
Is it going to be just coldwater or tropical as well? What tank(s) do you have? What fish?

Plant questions are better placed in the plants section.

Of course, you won't start off with the more fragile plants. You can easily pick up on the basics. You can find books from your library that give names of plants and a bunch of useful information on both the plants and general care.

The easiest plants for a beginner ar java ferns and java moss. However, even these require a slight bit of maintenance.

Plants are a wonderful addition to the tank. You should definitely try to get them . :nod:
A planted tank looks amazing but it is expensive to set up.

You need to upgrade your lighting and have a good substrate.
There are some low light level plants that are harder to kill then others. Try to do a search for aquarium plants for sale and look up the hard to kill choices. It is not too difficult but it does take research.

I'd say to start with java fern :) It doesn't have to be planted (free floater) and can grow well in low lighting :nod: Java moss can get out of control, so I'd recommend Java fern :thumbs:
Thanks for all the help you guys, I'm going to start mapping it out in a few days, once I'm done brain-storming. I'll put up my idea later to see if there's anything I should fix.

Oh, and I'm planning to make it a warm-water, though I don't know what kinds of fish I'll use. I'm thinking I'll probably use Angels or Tetras... or maybe I'll put Danio's in it... I'm so indecisive :p
Um... you didn't answer what size tank it was.

Also, angels would probably like vallisneria and the like, which might be difficult for you to keep. They need tall plants. However, you could probably research and get amazon swords and the like into your tank.

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