As my tank stocking is coming around to be complete, my parents desperatley want a sucker mouth fish. After some reviewing and advice from this site, I think when my stocking is done I will get a blue-eyed lemon bristlenose. But, I've heard how BNs may eat plants, and I can't have that as I quite like my plants the way they are. Other sites say its only fine leaved plants, others say only when there is a lack of food.
So is it true? I will surely not depend on the plec for algae control as I have my amano and cherry shrimp for that, and will be vigilent in giving it zuchini, lettuce, and algae tabs. I don't have any fine leaved plants either, just some Amazon Swords, Java Fern, Wisteria, Brazilien Micro Sword, Moss Ball, Java Moss, Round Pelia, and Tiger Lotus. In the future, I will add some blyxa aubertii too.
Will a BN be ok with these plants and plans? Thank you
So is it true? I will surely not depend on the plec for algae control as I have my amano and cherry shrimp for that, and will be vigilent in giving it zuchini, lettuce, and algae tabs. I don't have any fine leaved plants either, just some Amazon Swords, Java Fern, Wisteria, Brazilien Micro Sword, Moss Ball, Java Moss, Round Pelia, and Tiger Lotus. In the future, I will add some blyxa aubertii too.
Will a BN be ok with these plants and plans? Thank you