plant problem


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
plymouth, uk
well the second tank in my signature i am having probs wiv the plants, the fish r stripping them bare but i dont know wich ones it could be, i have never known any of them to do it before and i am left this morning with stalks in the sand and loads of leaves etc floating.
don't know for sure but i have a 2 gibbycep plecos in my tank and i've seen them 'nibbling' my plants. i find bits foating all the time but have never seen them actually snap bits off.

maybe someone else will know for sure?
My Royal plec is only small at the moment (about 3-4") but I have read that once they are adult, they like to re-arrange the tank to however they like it! So maybe that is the cause!!
yeah my royal plec is only small as well 3-4 inches but maybe it is him coming out after lights out i really dont know, but i am now debating do i keep wasting my money on plants if this going to happen all the time
my commom plec rips my plants out on a regular basis. only thing he leaves alone are my sword and java fern.

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