Plant Pack ?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2006
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Had to strip my tank recently due to too many plants for me to maintain it (fish were getting ill, couldnt siphon gravel etc.)

So now I need a plant pack not expensive, easy to keep etc. but not going to outgrow me in weeks :D
If you go to the plant section of the forums, theres a sticky with best place to buy plants.

I belive there is a person on ebay who sells 25 plants for £5 with free postage? Easy to grow, hardy plants if thats any use to you? :good:
Indeed but i need slow growers/low maintenance

I dont have much time for maintaining but when i do, i dont wanna spend time cutting back a jungle :p
If you dont want to fuss around gravel with plants in then
a)moss balls? or get plants that attatch to bogwood such as anubias,java ferns, java moss
b)change to sand substrate as the crap stays on top of the sand.

Vallis spiralis although very easy to grow, will overrun the tank as they send out shoots on a very regular basis

I had a hygrophilia species on my first tank which i had to trim weekly so that wont suit your needs either

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