Plant newbie.


New Member
Jul 1, 2005
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Hello All,
I have 3 2ft tanks, and a new 4ft that is currently doing a fishless cycle. I am a complete novice with plants. I should probably mention at this point that my house plants never look as though they are thriving!
I have only ever bought one aquatic plant in the past, and this resulted in a lengthy war with snails. It put me off them to say the least, but i would like to try again.
Would one of you kind people hold my hand through this?

What I would really like to know, is can i just add 2 plants to start with, without having to buy co2 units and stuff?
I would like to see if I can keep a couple alive, and then maybe further down the line could brave a planted tank.
Would it be better for my plants to go into an established tank, or the cycling one?
If you recommend an established tank, which of these?
Tank 1 Praecox rainbows,cardinals, serpae tetras,glass catfish.
Tank 2 2 Gouramies, 3 cory's
Tank 3 (no heater) 2 weather loaches & 4 danios.

And most importantly, which is the best 'beginner proof' plant!
Many thanks, and sorry this was a bit long. xx

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