Plant Info........


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Derby, England
I have a new 60litre tank with 3 zebra danios in and have a number of fake plants but as im doing a fish in cycle (bad LFS advice :mad: ) im expecting my ammonia levels to spike and therefore want to do as much as possible to reduce stress and harm for my fish.

Ive been reading that certain types of plants can help to absorb levels of Ammonia is that right???

Also is it just a case of planting them in the gravel and pruning once in a while like my LFS says or is there more to it???

If theres a any plants you could suggest for a newbie it would be a big help.

Thanks in advance!!
I would think plants with a broader leaf structure would process the compounds in your water moreso than those of a slimmer leaf plant. I'm not saying take my advice, I'm just assuming this because I believe (but could still be wrong) that photosynthesis occurs at a heavier rate in broad leaf plants compared to pines/ferns/etc. Although I'm not sure if the photosynthesis process actually applies to ammonia, though.

I'm also not a submersible plant expert, so I'm not sure which specific plants to suggest that would not only work with your tank parameters, but also agree with your fish on a level that they're not going to eat them nor will the plants be harmful/toxic to your fish.

But if my guess is correct, looking for a broader leaf plant would be your best bet, but someone will come along with the know-how and not only correct me ;) , but also point you in the right direction.

Edit - You might also have some luck here:

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