Plant Info..


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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hi, would like to add soem floating plants to my tropical tank, my gourami needs the shade and somewhere to build his nest.

Any recommendations???

The tanks is currently stocked with fake plants.

also, do i need to do anything with the plants when i get them or is it just a case of sticking them in?
this tells you a quite a bit of information : (click on the names at the bottom of the page)i use common salvinia in all my betta tanks except one that has common duckweed.both grow fast and need to be cut back often. duckweed gets in the filter easyer than salvinia and is a pain to remove.any floating plant works really, just some need more attension than others
I use fake plants because this is my first proper aquarium and all the reading i did before starting it up suggested that real plants were a complication that could be avoided, so i did.

Need the floaters for my gouramis, woudl definately consider real plants in any future aquarium.
i would use riccia and salvinia. ive got them in my tank. they grow very fast and help purify the water

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