plant id


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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Hi again lol, I've been to the fish shop and brought (chips!! :lol: ) sorry couldnt resist :rolleyes: - a piece of bogwood with a plant attached, i asked the bloke what it was and he said 'just some kind of moss' :dunno: I've had java moss before, and its not quite the same. I will try and sort out my digi cam sometime so's i can show u but i'll try and describe for now - bear with me lol
OK.... its quite simular to java moss but has more of a fern type leaf - it fans out from a centre line like a feather does. It is attached to the bogwood by just spreading across - no visable root/bulb etc - lol i suppose as a moss does lol
it is still very very fine as is java moss.
Does this help ??? :dunno:
The other possibility is that i remember java moss wrong- or what i had wasnt it!!
gonna have a look for a picture somewhere....
In the meantime, anything come to mind? any names i can look up?
thanks xoxox
had a look at a piccie - thats not it - more like a fern leaf
thanks anyway xoxoxoxox
There are a number of "mosses" about at the moment. Most seem to be sports of regular Java Moss. One of the more common is "Christmas Moss" there is a pretty poor picture here, (click the picture for a larger image). There are some others in the "Photo's" link here.

The general consensus is they are cultivars, but some people clam they are distinct species - jury still out on that one.
thanks for the response, looked thro the piccies but cant quite find a match, very simular tho. I'll post a piccie when my brother brings my digi cam lead back lol! thanks again xoxox

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