Plant Id?

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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Picked this up in a LFS months ago and it's very nice, but I never did find out what it was! It's the one behind the pennywort. Green on top of the leaves and a dark rusty red underneath. Thanks!

Looks like hydrocotyle. Nice plant.

Edit: Ooooooh...behind the pennywort! D'oh! Hard to say from the pic but it looks like bacopa, maybe micranthemum umbrosum.

Strangely enough, bacopa is also called "moneywort". So if it is bacopa...with your pennywort and moneywort, you should soon be raking in the dough.
I was going to say ludwigia, but the lack of red threw me off. Please tell me that isn't red. If so, my eyes are worse than previously thought. :p
Near as I can tell from googling the heck out of all these names, I think it's probably red ludwigia. Thank you!!

@nosoup4you: I WISH I could be raking in the dough!! LOL!

I was going to say ludwigia, but the lack of red threw me off. Please tell me that isn't red. If so, my eyes are worse than previously thought. :p

As noted in the OP, the red is on the underside of the leaves.
Yeah, after drobbyb's suggestion and taking another look, I'd agree that you have some sort of ludwigia. I have l. repens, myself, and I can barely keep up with trimming it. Great little plant.

Need any more? I have washtubs full of it out on the patio. LOL

Apparently it's time to put this old broad out to pasture...I think I neglected to read the entire second half of the OP. My apologies.
Actually, I'd LOVE to have more of it! I only have one plant, and although it's doing great I hate to prune it for fear of killing it (which I have a tendency to do).

By chance are you in the US?
My ludwigia grows so fast that I have to prune it twice a week. Mine also started out that color, but once it got established the tops of them have turned deep red.

It can go totally green depending on conditions.
The more light it gets the redder it will go, if light is lacking it will produce more Chlorophyll to compensate, which is generally why lower leaves tend to be greener, it's a nice plant, agree with the ID of Ludwigia.
Yeah, whenever I show this pic everyone always wants to know what is the red stuff on the right center.


I have to then explain that it's just the cuttings from the top of the plant. lol
It's Ludwigia Repens. I don't like how mine is growing atm. It looks great on top and then you get to the bottom and yuck! It's all empty stems. I tucked it behind my water sprite so it looks great now lol.
It's Ludwigia Repens. I don't like how mine is growing atm. It looks great on top and then you get to the bottom and yuck! It's all empty stems. I tucked it behind my water sprite so it looks great now lol.

Yeah, mine doesn't look the best toward the bottom either. But at the top it's glorious!

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