1 is an Anubias, the comments above apply.
2 is an Echinodorus species, bleheri maybe., comments as above.
3 is Bolbitis heudelotii, an aquatic fern from West Africa. It only really does well in soft water, and really is not an easy plant to grow. A very similar looking plant is Trichomanes javanicum which is not a true aquatic, and will simply rot.
4 may or may not be a club moss, and may or may not be aquatic. A few of the almost identical species will tolerate submersion in water, although more often found around waterfalls so not totally submerged all the time.
5 is Vallisneria, probably americana.
6 is Cabomba caroliniana.
Whatever, you have a collection of plants there which require drastically different conditions to really thrive.