Plant I.d


New Member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Hey everyone.

So im still kinda new to having real plants. Though i have succesfully been able to grow java fern, anubias and java moss. I tried some wisteria once, but that just turned brown and gross. So a couple of months ago i was at a lfs and saw what was labelled as 'Green Hygro'. I asked the shop assistant whether it was a low light plant and he said yes. So i bought a bunch and stuck it in my 10g tank that i've had for over 3 years.

This is how it has grown in my tank with no ferts no CO2 and only a 11w light over it.


So i thought to myself ok this plant is growing pretty good, i might as well get some for my 20g tank.
This is what happened with no ferts, no Co2 and a 20w light over the tank.


Some of the leaves have holes in them and they also kinda droop. They dont look very nice at all and alot of the leaves are falling off. Im not sure why there is such a difference in growing the plant in 2 different tanks. All i can think of is the light. The one on the 10gallon is a more natural looking light, whereas the one on the 20 gallon has a blue/purple tinge to it.

Ok i just had a look at both lights. The 10g light has 11w/8000k on the bulb and the 20g light has 20w/15000k. I have no idea what this means, if anything.

Im not to confident in even doing a DIY Co2 system because no doubt i will stuff it up some how. I also have no idea what ferts i should be using. Theres so many that i just get confused :unsure:

Does anyone know if the plant i have is in fact Green Hygro? and why its growth is different in the 2 tanks?

Thanks :D
Not sure, but could be Hygrophila Polysperma which should cope in lower light.

I don't think the lighting on your 20gal is suitable, its got a high Kelvin (k) rating. Check out the sticky post about lighting :) The one on your 10gal seems a much better tube for plants.
Looks like Hygrophila Polysperma to me too. Tends to go a pinkie colour when nitrates are limited.


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