Plant Food Tablets


Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
UK, England

In some shops I have seen some plant tablets which you put into the substrate near rooted plants.
I cant remember the brand or name of them.

Any one had any experience with these or currently use them. Id be very much interested as i dont want to go down the co2 route or anything.
i used these when rooting java fern onto bogwood, seemed to work amazing but saying that all my java fern is growing at silly fast speeds so maybe not :/
So where did u exactly place them in the gravel?

On the sub ject of java fern I chcuked all mine out today, it just would attach quick enough.
Java fern is a pretty slow grower, I'd think it would take 4-6 weeks at least to grab onto wood well. I tied all mine on and I've still to remove the thread, they've been tied on for months and months now!
Seachem do a decent roottab, just push it under the plants :)

Hi guys. Thanks for all the replies.

I will post later on to tell you how I get on.
Been using the Tropica + capsules under my Crypt. crispatula "balansae" and its really growing well! The packet says push them in about 4cm away from the plant and push them in fairly deep.
They give nutrients to plants that feed through roots. Some give needed iron. Swords really benefit from those!
API root tabs will work fine. Any root tab should be ok. Just check how often they need replacing. The tropica ones last for up to 6 months before you need to add new ones. Some others last for less time I beleive (not sure which). That might be a factor in deciding which to go for aswell :)
I'd guess, if its a brand name. Might not go with a random unknown brand. I find with ebay that I find something I want in an online shop, then look for it on ebay to see if I can get it cheaper.

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