Plant Ferts


Jan 5, 2012
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hey all im coming close to the end of my cycle now. question is i have plants a co2 system but being new forgot plant ferts. i was given some like ball things which i put in wich have worked. but what i want to no is if i but some plant ferts and pour it in to my tank will it just mix with my black gravel. as i no your suppose to put it under gravel but will be to much hard work to take it all out
hey all im coming close to the end of my cycle now. question is i have plants a co2 system but being new forgot plant ferts. i was given some like ball things which i put in wich have worked. but what i want to no is if i but some plant ferts and pour it in to my tank will it just mix with my black gravel. as i no your suppose to put it under gravel but will be to much hard work to take it all out

If you are looking to dose ferts into the water column then a regualar dosage of the required nutrients should see you ok.


These should see you OK depending on your requirements.

As far as I know, the fert substrate that goes under the sand, needs to go in that position as it slowly releases its ferts into the roots. By placing on top of the sand, it wouldn't look very nice and would just leak straight into the water very quickly. Im not expert so maybe someone else will be along soon to back up what I have said. Whatever happens though, good luck.
That's a substrate - You'll just end up with a mess if you pour it in the tank IMO - Besides it's a plant food you need more than a substrate if you're already up and running.
The AquaNourish+ is what you need if you're running CO2 :good:
It's called laterite I use it in my.ten with liquid co2 works wonders

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