Plant Fert Liquid


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2006
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i dont know about you guys, but i have been thru my fair share of liquid ferts.

been trying out the kent stuff as of late, and i have found it to be the best one so far!

better than most s*%t little bottles e.g. interpet and king british. its even better than the tetra plant fert.

anyone else used the kent plant fert? used anything you think is better?

just thaught i would rant a lil :D

The tropica master grow is supposed to the best fert you can get (Tom Barr recommends it), then there are the ADA ones but they are more specialized.

As a total planted tank newb, this makes me think of some questions:

Are products like Nutrafin Plant Gro Iron Enriched or Interpret Flora Boost sufficient for fertilising a heavily planted 35 liter bi-ube tank?

Their packaging emphasises the benefits of the micro nutrient end of things and says nothing about NPK content (this is understandable with the Nutrafin one as they have another product called Plant Gro NPK). Being based in Ireland I find it hard to obtain PMDD so I am looking for alternatives, cost of liquid ferts is not a huge issue for this size of tank for me.

Would I be advised to use one of the above, or could I use just root tabs, or am I much better off trying to get some Tropica Master Grow?

p.s. substrate is laterite & aquagrit, lighting is low (iLight with 3 LEDs!), nutrafin co2 & ladder, filter is hydor ekip 250 turned right down.

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