I am planning a complete renovation of my 10 gallon betta tank, and I would love both care recommendations as well as which sites are trustworthy when doing my research on the plants individual needs. My current list is as follows
-Anubias (x1 or 2 I really like them)
-Anubias nano (x1)
-Amazon sword (1 or 2)
-java fern (x1)
-possibly anacharis if I can get plant trimmers
-java moss
I currently have 3 small marimo moss balls and an unidentified leafy plant that is probably gonna die. I'm especially on the look out for plants that will improve the health of my tank and that are low budget and low maintenance in case someone else has to take care of my tank while I'm away
I'm hoping to find something circular to float on the top to keep the salvinia clear of my little filter as well as an area for feeding. If there isn't anything premade I saw how to make them with airline tubing
I'm planning to use sand as my substrate with the possible addition of fluval stratum. If anyone has any recommendations on which of my preferred plants requite extra care like root tabs or fertilizer, and which wouldn't survive in a low light betta tank please let me know. I will be doing research before purchasing so if you have any awesome sites to visit tell me!
-Anubias (x1 or 2 I really like them)
-Anubias nano (x1)
-Amazon sword (1 or 2)
-java fern (x1)
-possibly anacharis if I can get plant trimmers
-java moss
I currently have 3 small marimo moss balls and an unidentified leafy plant that is probably gonna die. I'm especially on the look out for plants that will improve the health of my tank and that are low budget and low maintenance in case someone else has to take care of my tank while I'm away
I'm hoping to find something circular to float on the top to keep the salvinia clear of my little filter as well as an area for feeding. If there isn't anything premade I saw how to make them with airline tubing
I'm planning to use sand as my substrate with the possible addition of fluval stratum. If anyone has any recommendations on which of my preferred plants requite extra care like root tabs or fertilizer, and which wouldn't survive in a low light betta tank please let me know. I will be doing research before purchasing so if you have any awesome sites to visit tell me!