Plans Are Underway To Start Up A Reef


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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Wisconsin, USA
Long Time No Talk!
Well, plans are underway to start up a reef tank by this summer. The only thing that is holding me back until this summer is the money factor.
Febuary 18th, I have to drive down to Madison, WI to pick up the 180 gallon tank that I ordered. The dimensions are 6'x2'x2'1". It comes with a oak stand. Anyways, so that will go in storage for about 4-5 months until I get more funds to by the hardware I plan on getting:
1- Magnum Filter 350 Pro
1- Fluval 304 Filter
1- AquaFuge 7 gal HOB Protien Skimmer/Refugium
2- Maxi-Jet Powerhead 900(230 gph)
1- 300 watt Acurite Heater
2- 250 watt Acurite Heaters
1- 72" Outer Orbit Metal Halide/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Fixture (834 watt: 3-150 watt HQI; 4-96 watt)
That costs $1,360.

Then I plan to get 180 lbs of Black and White sand (Thats a lot of sand!) and 165 lbs of Base and Live Rock.
That comes to just over $550.

Once that is up and running, over a period of time I plan to get the following fish and Corals:
2- Ocellaris Clownfish
2- Yellowhead Jawfish
1- Powder Blue Tang
3- Anthias harem
3- Limbaughi Chromis
6- Black Bar Chromis
4- Catalina Goby
1- Purple Firefish
1- Royal Gamma Basslet

1- Worm Brain Coral
1- Lobophyllia Brain Coral
1- Candy Cane Coral
1- Orange Trumpet Coral
1- Cabbage Leather Coral
1- Cauliflower Colt Coral
1- Toadstool Leather Mushroom Coral
1- Yellow Figi Leather Coral
Assorted Mushrooms
Assorted macro Algae

The cleaning crew will consist of Scarlet Reef Hermits, Dwarf Blue Legged Hermits, Dwarf Red Legged Hermits, Cerith Snails, Neritite Snails, Astrea Conehead Snails, and Nassarius Snails, along with a few pepermint shrimps and some serpant seastars.
I also would like to get a Bulb anenome, some feather dusters and a maxima clam.
All the livestock would cost right around $900.

So it's a $4,125 investment, but I think its worth every penny. How do you guys think my plans are so far? I'm open to any suggestions.
Are you planning on getting a mated pair of clowns? With a tank that big even if they werent mated, from what ive seen [to my astonishment] it would be fine. So how do people do this do you know? Even if they CAN be far apart, they will still want to establish territory. And I guess since this all works, that the jawfish can make burrows on opposite sides of the tank and be fine. Id be wary of getting an anemone because they can go around stinging other corals killing them and theres nothing you can do about it, but take it back. Even if they are attached to a rock, you can bet that they wont be forever. Plus, if they die [and most do] they release a particularly harmful toxin, moreso than most corals can. Just some things to think about.
Is this tank drilled for a sump? If not I'd be willing to meet you half way between Hudson WI and Madison PM me if you are interested and we can work out details, I can't even count how many holes I've drilled in tanks in the last year.

IMO don't use the aquafuge, magnum filter, or the fluval, but instead go with a dedicated refugium (if drilling the tank you could go with a 40 gallon sump that would be divided for a refugium.) I would then spend the rest of your money on a really good skimmer, if you had the tank drilled you could go with an in sump skimmer like an ASM G4 (would be awesome on that tank) If you are absolutely dead set on not having the tank drilled (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HAVING THE TANK DRILLED, even if you don't have me do it.)

You need A LOT more flow in that tank, you should be moving at least 30X the tank's volume, especially when housing a tang and corals. The catalina goby is not a good choice (though very beautiful) they are a cold water fish, though they may last a little while in a tropical tank, they will definitely not live long term. Get two of the purple firefish that have already paired up, they will be much more likely not to hide in the tank (though they will probably hide a lot with all of the active fish they will be housed with)

You are on the minimum for lighting, some of the corals you listed will do ok, though the sand dwelling ones will be a bit starved for light. Why not save some money and just through three 250 watt pendants in the hood and add on a single VHO actinic add some fluorescence. It will be much better as far as having a wide range of corals you can keep, will let you keep the clam you want (which would not be very happy under the 150 HQIs IMO) and will save you some serious money.

The macro algae will not make it very long in the tank, the powder blue tang will eat it all up over time.

It's a lot of fun planning out large tanks, so many options, we can plan out the basics of making your tank awesome.
Thanks a lot for your time and imput.
No the tank will not be drilled. I just dont want to deal with all the drillings, tubing, etc.

I will get a skimmer, but I really want to stick with the HOB fuge. I'll put the macros in there instead of the main tank.

I dont think you read the lighting correctly: It has three, 150 watt metal halides, and then the 4, 96 watt fluorescents. From what I know that is even more than adequate for the corals and such that I intend to keep, plus, with the tank being only 25 inches tall I'm sure the light will reach the bottom corals no problem.

Hannah, I dont mean to be rude, but I didnt understand a single sentance of your post. :/
I dont think you read the lighting correctly: It has three, 150 watt metal halides, and then the 4, 96 watt fluorescents. From what I know that is even more than adequate for the corals and such that I intend to keep, plus, with the tank being only 25 inches tall I'm sure the light will reach the bottom corals no problem.

Just in regards to lighting, I reccomend that anything deeper than 20" needs a 250w metal halide or more. It's just to deep for the 150 to penetrate all the way to the bottom, and if you wanted to keep a clam (and anenome for that matter) under it it just wouldnt get enough light. My friend tried keeping anenome's in his 2ft tall tank under a 150w but they all bleached and eventually died from being starved of the light they needed. If you really want an awesome light set up you should go for one 400w with two 250w's on either side of it. With this set up you'd pretty much be able to keep whatever you want in your tank. Doing either and buying your lights secondhand will not only give you a much better light set up than the one you've already picked but it will also be a lot cheaper!

And to agree with superman once more, I strongly suggest you get your tank drilled and get a sump and fuge. You wont regret it!
Thanks Fingers,
Do you think I could buy the Outer Orbit fixture and such and then buy 3, 250 watt Metal Halide bulbs for it? Do you know of a good place on the net that sells MH bulbs? Thanks a lot!
Thanks Fingers,
Do you think I could buy the Outer Orbit fixture and such and then buy 3, 250 watt Metal Halide bulbs for it? Do you know of a good place on the net that sells MH bulbs? Thanks a lot!

Sorry but no. Doing that would cause the bulb on unit to explode lol. You could only put a 150w bulb in a 150w halide. As for the bulbs or metal halide units I don't know the system you guys have in america but try to find a fish club or something. These are usually a good way to pick up second hand equipment for cheap (and get a bunch of info and help setting up your tank). I've seen 250w Metal halides sell for AU$150 in my fish club which is a bargain. Another place you might want to look is ebay. If you don't want to buy second hand I'm sorry but I can't give you any good fish sites coz I don't know any american ones :/ . Just remember there's nothing wrong with buying secondhand equipment as long as it's in good shape, It will bring down the cost of your tank dramatically! My tank is all second hand gear and it has saved me a pretty penny. I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help but I just don't know what goes on over there :no:

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