planning on breeding my ct camb. and my camb.


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
If my mom does not allow me to purchase any cultures online what else can i feed the babies? frozen?flake?liquid?pond water?

keep in mind that i still need to sell my guppy fry which are in my only other 10 gallon tank unless i buy a five gallon at this awesome lps tomorrw? i know that five is the minimum but would they breed in a 2.5 gallon or is that really pushing it for space?

I do not plan on breeding until maybe late august or september
well, i think live food is almost essential for baby bettas at an early age..:/ do any of your lfs sell microworms or anything like that? :X
i dont see babies surviving without live food..

and im talking from experience..

i wouldnt breed them if you cant take care of the fry

i donno about 2.5 gallons.. sounds pretty small to me..

mine get beat up and theyre in a 10g tank
heya, sorry i missed the other half of ur post lol.

and yes, like thellama said, 2.5G is too small, you'll need at least 10G or else the female will get chased nad possibly beat to death by the male due to teh lack of space.

I speak from exerpience about the live food too :unsure: never underestiamte how much mouth those litlte betta fry has! i only have bbs as my live food (iddn't get mw culture until recently), and most of hte fry have died. They are not usually interested in the dry food due to the lack of movement in them, so most of the time the food will just sink to the bottom and be left uneaten.

I would suggest getting at least some kind of mw cutlure from someone, it's not impossible, but very very hard to raise fry without them i believe. BBS i'm sure you can get them in ur lfs, get the eggs and hatch them yourself for the babies if you do plan to breed.

Also, be prepared to deal with over 100 fry, they will need about a 30-40G tank as a growout after a while or else their grwoth will be stunted.

Read hte pinned topic created by wuv at the top of this forum, it provides a lot of good information :thumbs:
yes i know what i will need other then food but i did not realize that i could grow infusoria if i have live plants and liquifry. also what about all the micro organisms in pond water?
they are lps fish so i don't kno how well the breed will be. i mentioned the 2 gallon because i read at bettas r that they can be used. i don't know yet the only chance of me breeding them before school starts is with at least a 5 gallon if i can find a cheap one cause i don't know about my guppies yet. i know about the fry problems but i have at least 4 lps that would gladly purchase them. plus my friends are remotely interested in bettas. i know what to do with the fish i just can't get a culture of microworms, vinegar eels,bbs, etc.
the only possible things i could feed them would be infusoria liquifry and frozen foods and possibly bbs i am still looking into it thank you for posting.
hey there, is there any way you can get your hands on a 10G for breeding?

the bettas need to be moved to a growout tank before they can be sold to the lfs. They reach that age at about 3 months, but if you do end up with a big spawn, they'll need something bigger than a 5 o r 10G

good think you're doing all your research :thumbs: infurosia is used to feed small fry, but they will soon outgrow it. By the end of the first week, they will be ready for live bbs. I have tried to feed mine crushed frozen bloodwroms, but they just stare at it like it's from naother planet. Tried frozen bbs too, pecked it a bit, but never took it down.

They LOVE live bbs though, i fed them to my fry at around 3 dyas old, they all ate it until they're full with big oragne bellies :flex:
well.... you dont nessacarily need a 10g a 5g would do fine as wuv says... but make sure your male doesnt chase your female too much! In that case, I would listen to cc and get a 10g for spawning! well...GL!

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