Planning My First Shrimp Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2008
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wanna make a high tech heavilyplanted nano shrimp tank.
is the following ok
its a 2 feet long 0.5 feet deep and 1 foot high. a 7.5 gallon aquarium.
want to know which filter to run.
gonna host 1 pair of each tiger shrimp,cherry shrimp and glass shrimp
the tanks gonna have diy co2 carib sea eco complete substate, heater,liquid fert etc.
no specially made nano tanks with built in filter is availible in my country all tanks have to be custom made.
Liquid fertilizer, check its contents and check online to see if its shrimp friendly!(Most aren't apparently) .
Also, my fluval U2 is a nice filter, just wrap it in a set of tights to make it baby proof :)
i would be inclined to go for the older fluval2+ the flow on the U filters is quite fast and you can adjust them or have the flow coming out of the body rather than the head, but i have a fluval 1 in my shrimp tank,and a U4 in my community, and i couldnt ingaine the U being any good in there to be honest. maybe you should ask someone who has rhe filter you also have a bigger tank than me :)
the tights is a great idea by the way,my babys only get kicked out of my filter on a saturday when its water change day :lol:
most fertilisers are safe! yes all the decent ones contain copper which kills inverts, but there isnt enough for it to affect them.

make sure your fertiliser contains NPK+traces
th fluval U range and the fluval + range are about the same size, my shrimp have a fluval 1+ and they are in a 28L tank, so due to that combination there is quite a strong flow, but they get on fine with it.. i try to keep the return tube above water level, but on a larger tank the u2/ 2+ wont make so much flow and they should be fine with it :)

also to add, dont think of the filter just taking up space think of it as another hiding place and toy for them to play on :lol:
you could run a small external, theyre available on ebay for £20 theyre eden 501 knock offs, theyre pretty good. or an azoo mignon HOB

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