Planning A 5gallon Tank


New Member
Mar 24, 2008
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well so i need expert opinion on this.

sponge filter
intank heater
sand substrate
(i need advice on plants...)
cherry shrimp
I've just set up a 10 uk gal tank for cherries, after keeping Amano's for years in my main tank. After hunting for some good info I've found some things to avoid. Don't use Anubius as they release oxalic acid which harm shrimp. Also avoid Mopani wood... errr, for reasons I've yet to find (lol).

My Amano Shrimp love Moss Balls, Java moss, Christmas moss, Amazon Swords, Riccia, and Egeria densa. These are also planted in the cherry tank, and the shrimp seem especially fond of the Christmas moss and swords.

I'm sure more experienced keepers will have better advice for you though :)
For plants, moss, moss, and more moss.

Anything is fine, really.

Do you have a source for the oxalic acid thing? I've never heard that. o.0
I have both anubias and maponi wood in my shrimp tank, and they're breeding.

Cant be that bad for them lol
I have Anubias Bateri var nana in my shrimp tank and they haven't died yet.

From what i've read it only causes problems if the rhizome is cut, but i've also read that this is a load of rubbish and it is shrimp safe.

If I wasn't so attached to my shrimp i would cut mine to find out but its safer for the shrimp for me not to know :p

As for the original question Sounds like a good start... Don't forget you'll need a light to grow plants, of which Moss and Java Ferns are probably the easiest

I wouldn't say avoid wood, I have some in my tank. If you have alkaline water it can help bring the PH down which most dwarf shrimp would prefer, plus its something to grow algae on for the shrimp to eat!
oops, i just cut the rhizome underwater this morning :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
oops, i just cut the rhizome underwater this morning :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... I think they will probably be ok.

The germans know their shrimp and here is a google translation from a german forum, which is a copy of an article by Werner Klotz who is a German shrimp expert.

Occasionally on poisoning cases through zurückgeschnittene shoots or rhizomes of Anubias nana reported. Als Toxin wird hier austretende Oxalsäure diskutiert. As the toxin is oxalic acid escaping discussed. Im Laborversuch konnten bei Neocaridina-Arten allerdings keine Vergiftungserscheinungen nachgewiesen werden. In the laboratory experiment could at Neocaridina species, however, no poisoning symptoms can be detected.

Link to Original German Site
Link to Google Translation
thanks a lot guys! so much helpful info :crazy:

is it true bout the 10 gal tho? cant b 5? thanks :hyper:
thanks for all the advice! i just decided to go with a 10gallon cause theres only a $1 difference between them so why not? :shout: :good:
hey guys, everything is fine :D

Even my 1week old babies are still crawling about lol

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