Planned Anaerobic Sand


Professor Beaker
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 22, 2005
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Buffalo, NY
So I was talking with a friend of mine who has a wealth of knowledge about keeping reeftanks and he advised me to create an anaerobic layer underneath my sand on purpose as I setup my tank. He creates a layer of deadspace underneath his sand with a piece of flourescent grating sometimes found in office flourescent fixtures with hung cielings. then he wraps that with 2 layers of fine woven nylon screening and sinks that to the bottom of the tank. then he covers it with an inch or so of coarse sand and the rest of 3 inches of about sugar grain sand. he claims that the screening and coarse sand keep the toxins from the anaerobic processes out of the main tank, but allow the anaerobic processes to clean up waste and detritous that some aerobic bacteria cannot. have any of you ever heard of someone making a deadspace like this on purpose? he swears by it, but wondering if you all have ever heard of or had experience with this method, thanks
Search out the web for the following:


Deep sand bed

They are only useful in aquariums with a large footprint. Gaining in popularity now are RDSB's, remote deep sand beds.


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