Thanks wet......I had already checked the other post, didn't find anything about fry.
My fry tank has a bare bottom, and has only been set up for about 3 weeks....the angel fry are only 12 days old (from spawn) and barely the size of newborn guppies.
I feed frozen BBS and clean the bottom of the tank 2 times a day, and do small water changes at least every 2 days.
The sponge filter that is in the tank was hooked up in the parents tank for a month before transfering it to the fry tank.....I am guessing this is how the got in......but I didn't notice them in the parents tank, and I gave it a good clean and added new gravel a few days ago, and I don't see any there now.
My biggest concern was to my fry....I have lost several hundred, and I thought I had read somewhere that they will attack very young fry, I have 50-75 fry left, and just wanted to know if there was anything I could get to kill the planaria without harming the fry.
Thanks all....