Plakats - shy?


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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So. I just got my first plakat today - a very cute boy that is mostly white with blue-gray markings on his fins and body. My LFS occasionally has "fancy" betta rejects from a local breeder - CTs, plakats, etc. I don't see why he was rejected; he is beautiful and has no visible deformities. I'm thinking maybe his temperament was an issue when it came to breeding. No, he's not super-agressive. He is actually really, really shy. I'm almost concerned about his health, though he appears perfectly fine - nice full rays, healthy apetite, good weight, etc. Its just that he is almost always hiding. And if you move too suddenly around him, he freaks out and smacks into the glass. So, my question is: are Plakats usually shy, or does he just have some kind of personality quirk? This is the first one I've ever had, so I really didn't know what to expect.
My plakat was so shy when I first got him. It took him about 2 wks - 1 month to really come around. He is still kinda shy, but his brother however hid for 2 weeks and is now a wildly outgoing fish! It depends I think. I think that most people I know that have plakats mentioned that they are were very shy at first.
My guess is it's a personality quirk. All my imbellis are super shy like that, even the juvies who see me often every day and should be used to be by now, but I've never had a plakat like that. All mine are super outgoing... my juvies huddle at the front of their tanks whenever they see someone coming and will surround your hand if you dip it in the water ^_^
Hmmm. I guess I'll have to go for him what I did for Shyboy when I got him. The poor thing is going to hurt himself if he keeps freaking out every time someone walks by his tank. Then he goes and crams himself under a plant and tries to be invisible. Poor little dude. I'm hoping if I get him a ton of plants and a cave, keep his tank covered, and give him a while to adjust, he'll end up a nice bold fellow like Shyboy turned out to be. If not, I'd settle for at least not jetting across the tank into a wall every time someone walks into the room.

He's beyond gorgeous though. I'd take a picture if I wasn't afriad I'd scare him to death. I think this is the start of a long-term plakat addiction....
I have one and have to say he's an ultra shy boy. Quite skittish and there is no way I can ever take a photo of him. When I approach he always scurries to hide behind his plant :( and just wont' come out as long as I remain in front of my tank. I've had him for months now and haev relised it's just the way he is :dunno:

Edit: so I've added some more plants for him to feel more secure. Not that it realy seem to make any difference - it just give him more to hide in and less chance for me to see him :lol:
My plakats are so always so outgoing. They're not afraid of anything! Constantly begging for food too.

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