Plakat Betta - More Agressive?


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Moray, Scotland
Hi guys!

Well my 6 gallon is cycled now and I have been looking forwards to buying a beautiful betta to grace it! I orginally wanted a CT but now I've seen gorgeus plakats on ebay and wish I cud just buy them now but with work I cant at the mo :angry: anyhoo question is I've researched best I can and read somewhere that plakats are more agressive and slightly bigger than the average betta? can anyone confirm? As I was goin to get pygmy cories .....

any help greatly appreciated!!!!
Hi there.

From personal experience I'd say they are more aggressive. We have a PK male called Diesel and he certainly would not tolerate any tank mates. When we spawned him, we ended up having to separated the fry at 4 weeks old (would normally be 8 - 12 weeks). They were only 1 cm long but were really scrapping with each other.
thanks for the quick reply mmm well I mite just have him in the tank alone then if hes a stunner!

Also just noticed you are selling bettas :drool: , do you have any available and do you post? As I know and understand many people prefer not too especially as I'm in moray!

Many thanks!!
Hiya.....yes we do post :good: We have 2 males left from our Plakat x Crowntail spawn and also some Halfmoon babies but they won't be ready for a month or two yet.
Hiya.....yes we do post :good: We have 2 males left from our Plakat x Crowntail spawn and also some Halfmoon babies but they won't be ready for a month or two yet.
I find the pk a far better father though, ive spawned 4 now and all were perfect, great spawners too, but i too wouldnt add one to a tank with other fish.
ooooo do u have any pictures or do they still need to colour up.... :hyper:

Modaz - this will be my first betta so not quite ready to breed them! just want a stunner to admire and care for!! had the tank up and ready for ages now need a pretty boy in there to stut his stuf!! :lol:
PM sent :good:

You're absolutely right Daz.....Diesel was a fantastic father and very gentle with Mum too, which totally amazed us!!!!!
PM sent :good:

You're absolutely right Daz.....Diesel was a fantastic father and very gentle with Mum too, which totally amazed us!!!!!

pm back thanks, cant believe the lack of variety available in LFS just the VT which is nice but I really would like a show piece of a fish which will survive when i get him home! Many in the stores look in bad shape :(

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