Plakad Jumps Off Then Gets Sick?


Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2006
Reaction score
QC, Philippines
I bought a pair of plakads earlier. I put the male in a five-gallon tank and the female in a one-gallon bowl. I came over to a friend's house for awhile and when I came back my sister tells me she found the female in the living room. She must've been out of the water for a while cos her bowl was in my room! And now I noticed that her dorsal and anal fins are a bit fuzzy. Her scales look a bit "dry", too. Is she sick, or is it just because she's been off the water for too long? What should I do?
Put her back in water, give her a pinch of salt and cross your fingers!
Do you have a cat? It's very odd that she was found in a completely different room.
My sister put her back in her bowl. But I had to do a water change after that cos there were a lot of hair strands in her water. Probly mine, since I rarely clean my room. Hehe. Anyway, I did put a little salt in her water. We don't have any other pets inside the house, aside from my eleven bettas. But this girl.. She's quite a jumper. :lol: Just took a close look at her and I think her fins are getting less fuzzy. Hope she gets well soon. I'm planning to breed plakads. Thanks for replying! :D
I hope she gets well soon, too. That's just crazy that she was in a different room, I can't get over that! Good luck to both of ya's :)
Hehe. Couldn't believe it either. Good thing someone saw her. It must've been quite some time before she was discovered. Ugh. It's really funny, though. :lol: And now she's starting to become active again. Thanks! :D

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