Placidochromis phenochilus


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
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Southern IL
I have read these cichlids are fairly easy going-mildly aggressive. Has anyone kept these before? Are they as sweet as they say? :sly:
Hi -- I've never kept them before (although I'm dying to) but a friend of mine has a 75 gallon with 3 fully grown phenocilus's, several peacocks, a 2 foot catfish (I know, I know) and juvinile melanochromis johanni's. The phenocilus's were slow moving, and never seemed to harrass anyone in the tank. Perhaps it was because they were the largest in the tank (except of course for his monster pleco). But they were pretty calm fish--and beautiful too.
I saw some pics of them and it made me go :hyper:

They are magnificent looking. I have some plans in my head,may get some eventually when I get my two new 55 gallons. :hey:
I saw how big these blue-boys get... you may want to consider waiting for a larger tank for the phenochilus. Even the 75 gallon they were in seemed too small for 'em.

P.S. I just called up the guy that has them in his tank.... He said they don't get flecky and sparkly until they are fully grown---we're talking a couple years. So while they are growing I guess they're just smoky blue.
Thanks for the info. :) I guess I'll just have to get an even bigger tank. :hey: I'm ganna have to move out soon. LOL No room left for me! :lol:
Don't despair, I know how you feel. I got rid of my kitchen table just to put in a 3 foot parrot cage, and got rid of the TV to make room for my 55 gallon. Next to go is the couch--how else am I gonna fit a 125 gallon long? Those of us who eat,work, and play by our computers only need one thing: a soft, spinny chair. :p

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