Places for my fish tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2004
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im getting a 40-55 gallon (US) tank and i was wondering where i should put it, i do have room in my room but i doubt i would be able to sleep with the filter on, But do u think it would be to loud or to smelly to keep in my room? i cant remember anything from my old tank..... :flex:
if it is set up right, the tank should not smell at all. and most people think the sound of a filter is theraputic. many people buy noisemakers to get the same sound. if you dont mind getting the good equptment it shouldnt bother you in the least. i have a 55 gallon tank as the head board to my bed. it has never posed a problem. some say it is bad karma to have water in your sleep room tho..... :p
By the way, nice name irish ;)
Most quality filters nowadays are very quiet, but you will hear them in a silent room. However, your filter should never be turned off for any but the shortest time (e.g. during maintenance), lest your beneficial bacteria die off. You certainly cannot switch off a filter while you sleep at night. If you feel the noise might be an issue and you might be unable to cope with it, locating it in the bedroom is not a good idea. You absolutely cannot turn the filter off while you sleep at night. :no:

Aquariums should not "stink", but most established ones do have an "earthy" odor to them. Someone (maybe even in this forum, can't recall) described it as smelling like damp potting soil. I think that's as good a description as any. However, you typically won't even smell that unless you have the lid open and your face right above the water. You certainly shouldn't have any odor issues about the room in which the tank is located (if your aquarium is healthy).

my fish tank is in my bedroom its no problem when you get used to the noise
mine is a fluval 3 with a duel valve air pump with bubble bar.

james :whistle:
the water changes can be difficult. it sucks to transport bucket after bucket to your room.
I have an 8 Gallon in my room, using an external "TertraTech" pump. The TT pumps are incredibly quiet (at least in comparison to my old one). It's only a 50 L/H pump though, for your tank you'd need something along the lines of a 150l/h twin pump, which I'd imagine would be somewhat noisier.

The main problem with the tank in my room isn't the vibrating of the pump, but the sound of the bubbles in the tank popping on the surface... it's a little relaxing, but can get annoying when you want a quiet sleep.

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