You could have a bristlenose in a 14gal i think, plus there are tons of small growing L number plecs that stay at the 6inch mark or smaller if you can find some.
A Bristlenose still grows to 6" quite easily. I have one that is about 6.5". They create alot of poop so if you are going to put it in a 14G then you need good filtration ultimately.
Thanks for that - I have a fluval 204 canister which is more than enough for the 14gal - I think I'll go for a bristlenose - I had oto's but they didn't really do the algae cleanup I hoped they would so I'll do it by hand (I'm in there enough to keep the sand clean already!)
It depends on your stocking plans - we used our 15us gal tank as a breeding tank for bristles - 3 adult and LOADS of fry - we had to clean the filter very often though and keep on top of the water changes