Pitbull Pleco


New Member
Jan 13, 2006
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Louisburg N.C.
Has anyone ever heard of a pitbull pleco because i bought one last sunday and they told me it was a pitbull pleco but i dont know if it is if there is a such thing could someone show me a pic and inform me on them! :p
The Pitbull pleco, so named for its wide mouth, is the common name for Parotocinclus jumbo LDA25.

Gets to about two inches, is mostly a vegetarian but likes occasional bloodworm. Likes to burrow in sand and unusually for plecs prefers not to have a strong current.

Peaceful little fish.
The Pitbull pleco, so named for its wide mouth, is the common name for Parotocinclus jumbo LDA25.

Gets to about two inches, is mostly a vegetarian but likes occasional bloodworm. Likes to burrow in sand and unusually for plecs prefers not to have a strong current.

Peaceful little fish.

thanks i really like him and he is very peaceful.
we've got 6 (was 8 but one died a couple of days after shipping and one dissapeared)

they are great little plecs - they dont stop moving they love veg and algae. we're hoping to breed them soon :)



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