Pitbull Pleco Questions


Fish Addict
Jan 16, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hey everyone, has anyone had much experience with this fish?

Im planning on getting it for my community tank which will have danios and maybe cichlids in it. Will they be okay with these fish?

Also would 4 be okay in a 20 gallon tank? They would be my only bottom dwellers

Try the bristlenose. Their easy to keep.

You see them more often than most other catfish.

There very easy to breed aswell.
Yeah that was my plan originally, but these are small and my will fit in with the tank i guess. Anyone know how easy or hard pitbull pleco is to keep? and breed?

by pitbull are you talking about the rubberlipped bulldog plec if so they are relatively easy to keep although i have never bred them 4 seems alot for that size tank maybe 2 would be sufficent
although as already said your best bet is bn's
Nope he is talking about LDA25 Parotocinclus Jumbo. They should be in groups of 3 or more as they are very playful. Sand or small gravel substrate as they like to burrow and play in the sand.

They aren't particularly nocturnal, not hard to keep and great cleaners. Unlike the majority of plecs who (contrary to the belief) are not actually 'clean up crew' Pitbulls are scavengers and will 'clean up' everything that is edible.

They won't touch plants and like a mixed diet of bogwood, protein, flake and algae.

2-3" max. 3 or 4 will be fine in your tank as long as there is cover and not too many other companions!!!. Like all plecs they are messy so good regularly maintained filter needed.




Great little fishes

Thanks AC, that is indeed what i am talking about :) They are the fish im trying to find due to being small and scavangers and active lol :p

Im gonna get 2 or 3 for my tank. They will be going with a few danios and a few other fish (for middle layer) which i have not completely decided on yet :\

Thank you,
sounds good just have a couple of hiding holes for them and try to feed them as wide a variety of foods as possible and what about some rams for companions
sounds good just have a couple of hiding holes for them and try to feed them as wide a variety of foods as possible and what about some rams for companions

rams and plecos get along just fine. I have kept rams with a bn and a clown pleco. The pit bull plecos are great fish I wanted some so badly but have only seen them once at a store and some other person got them before I did. :angry:

They like to be kept in groups and like to cover them self with sand when scared. They are so cute. You are lucky to have found them.
Ooh they are really nice, would they be able to be kept with a pair of ancistrus?
Does anyone know where i could get some in the uk?

Just noticed the OP is in Sydney

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