Pistol Shrimps?


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score
Surrey uk
I would like to have a shrimp,goby pair in my tank, but ive been reading aout the pistol shrimps punch attack thing and how it gets as hot as the sun. I guess this will be ok with a goby as they live in mutalistic symbosis, but what about clowns, will the shrimp attack them??
Only a novice here but I have done some reaserch in the past and from what I have read pistol shrimps attack other shrimps I am pretty sure that they will not attack clowns. There is an intresting clip on youtube of a pistol attacking a cleaner shrimp.
Only a novice here but I have done some reaserch in the past and from what I have read pistol shrimps attack other shrimps I am pretty sure that they will not attack clowns. There is an intresting clip on youtube of a pistol attacking a cleaner shrimp.

do you think they will be ok with hermits, by the looks of things on youtube some are some arnt, but you seem to have done more research than me
They are "reef safe" so should nt bother hermits but there are also clips of them attacking crabs but i think its mainly other shrimps they go for.
They are "reef safe" so should nt bother hermits but there are also clips of them attacking crabs but i think its mainly other shrimps they go for.
are there any other shrimps you would reccomend that pair with gobys? or are pistols the only ones?
None that I know off but only a novice if you fancy a goby/shrimp pair go for it they should leave your CuC alone I am sure some of the more experinced reefers (bad description I guess just re-read it :p )
keep them in full reef communities just avoid other shrimps ;)
i thought it was a defence mechanism which stuns its prey so it wont kill fish i dont think

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