Pistol Shrimp.


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
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Ok, I love this forum, and i have a few questions. When i read how a pistol shrimp and a goby can be friends and look our for eachother, i was hooked. I like the banded pisols, adn i was wondering if i could fit one in a 12 gallon eclipse?

If i can, can it live with hermits, snails, and maybe shrimp? I dont expect it to live with shrimp, but if it can, yay for me!

lol, thanks a lot.

i dont think the pistol would be a threat to any thing, from what i have seen of them they look to be scared of there own shadow.

wait for some one who may know abit more about them though.

i am looking out for a bulleye one at the moment :blush:
A yashia haze and Randalls' banded pistol shrimp make a great pair. You can buy a paired set from Liveaquaria.com. The only thing is...if they don't make their cave near the front of the aquarium, you may rarely see them. You could also do a watchman goby. I had a yashia haze and Randall's banded. The yashia died after about a year and I replaced it with a watchman and they paired up. SH


i have the bulls-eye pistol and like robbhp said they are scared of there own shadow .
i also have two skunk cleaners and a fire shrimp with no problems ... i don't see him much but hear him all the time .he has molted twice and is eating well . i bought a yellow watchman gobie to go with him latter to find out that the bulls-eye don't pare up with gobies .here is a pic of him after i put him in the tank coming out to take a look around and grab a bit of food.

thanks for the info guys, and jeffery, your pic didnt show up. =] Does anyone reccomend a good site for pistols? And would they pair with a neon goby? What if I had 2 neons, or any other goby? Thanks again
I found (probably luck) that if I placed them in an area and sectioned it off so they had no choice but to make their home in front on the glass. I gave them everything they would want to create their home. several types of substrate, small pieces of live rock ect. I also used a plastic bottle with sand/live rock all around it. i placed the front of the bottle towards the front of the tank and the side of the bottle was on the side of the tank where I could see into the bottle. cool set up, but this was 3 maybe 4 years ago.

like SH said though... if they create their cave in the back, on the side of the tank you will not get to enjoy them. however in a 12 gallon it maybe alot easier to do.
hey that sound like a great idea. what did you use to section it off? And you just left the bottle maybe under rubble, w/ the entrance sticking out? No harm from plastic, just wondering? That is a great idea. Can anyone answer my goby questions?
so how do i enclose that area? I put the bottle under some rock, against the side of the aquarium. What do i enclose that area with now?
i bought a small plastic container (almost like ones you would put index cards in, but bigger) I cut off the sides and made and L shape and enclosed the corner where I put the tube. I did this so i could see when the shrimp/goby took up the bottle as their home. so you have the bottom of the container and two sides. Does that make sense?
Im sorry. Idont really get it. Do you think he'll like a bottle? Im getting a randall shrimp. What goby gopes good w/ it?
i put the plastic container over the area where i buried the plastic tube. That is how i sectioned off the part of the tank, to almost "force" them into liking the hiding spot that I had created for them. I sectioned them off so they did not have any other area to make a home in. With being confined in that space, with the hole (bottle) in the sand and various substrate around it they made it home. again I may have just been lucky that it worked out

watchman goby worked for me.
ok thanks i totally understand that now. I'll just have to keep an eye out for something large enough. How long did you keep him enclosed?
with in 24 hours they had taken to their new home. I placed them in the tank/sectioned off area. turned off all the lights.. and didnt come back and look at the tank till the next day. didnt want to bother them. it should happen fairly quick due to the shrimp wanting and needing shelter.
ok great so I probably wont need to get the best 'enclosure' since it'll only be in a day. thanks

And they've stayed in that home for how long since you removed the cover? They wont just moe out later?

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