Pistol Shrimp Safe For Glass Tanks


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Was reading up on these and they seem quite deadly but they also look a lot of fun.

Trying to work out stock for my 60l
Pistol shrimp are safe for glass tanks. Here's an old video of mine. He's much bigger now and paired with a black fin shrimp goby. They dig a lot so you have to be prepared for that. The rocks need to be on the glass so when he digs he can't dig under them and upset them. Also if you have corals on the sand they have to be in an area where the pistol shrimp cannot dig otherwise he will cover them in sand and they will die.
When I set up my 210 gallon tank I had the goby and pistol captured and in a container and I was going to trade them in since I was tired of the digging. After two weeks of contemplating it I just couldn't do it. It's just too interesting a creature. So I'm just careful about where I place my corals on the sand. This one is a tiger pistol. This video is from 2009 so he's probably 2 times or 2.5 times as large now. He does not bother my other shrimp and hunts amphipods and worms. However, a large pistol shrimp can kill other shrimp so they shouldn't be placed in too small a tank.
A 60 liter tank is fine for a Yasha goby and a pistol but the larger shrimp goby need 120 liters or more.
Haha cute shrimp.

I got the idea after donya suggested pistol shrimp. Unsure what would be fit with a 60l sumped tank does the sump count towards the overall litres or is it flatline 60l for my display tank?
No, while the sump is nice to keep in cleaner and does help in terms of certain aspects the fish still needs room and so does the shrimp. A Yasha and other high fin shrimp goby are small enough to work but the larger goby are too big for that tank.
So is there anything else you'd suggest for a 60l? Maybe neon gobys?
I'm a particular fan of the clown gobys. I have a mated pair of yellow and a panda clown. The panda requires pocilipora coral but the yellow can be kept without it. They are great fish and the yellow is a nice splash of color in the tank. You cannot keep two males together but they are fine alone or as a mated pair.
A tail spot blenny is another one that's a good fish.
I do like the smaller goby species like the neon but the Catalina and the greenbanded are my favorites next to the clowns.

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