Pissed Off At Myself

Commander Cool

Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2006
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About 8 years ago my sister got a plain little catfish. Around one year after that it was moved to my tank because she was moving out and could not take her tank. Last week I decide to give it a home of its own in a 10 gallon tank. Well today I looked at it and it was dead and covered in white fuzzy spots. I am not sure what this disease is but tommorrow I am going to completly clean the whole tank and all the deco in it. I'm just pissed at myself because I had this fellow living happly for 7 years and then because I decide to move him which led to his death a week later. :-( .
Did you cycle the 10 gallon before placing the Cory into the tank? Also, we the water parimeters and temperature of the new tank similar to it's old community? If not, that is most likely the cause of death.
It surely could have been physical stress from the move. If it was a disease: boiling and chlorine bleach for disinfecting. I don't know the life span of cories, but perhaps it was getting elderly. Eight years seems like a good record for keeping a fish healthy. It may not have liked the move either. Cories are shoaling fish and get stressed being alone. I would think that losing it's tank mates, even those of another kind, might have been distressing.

Sorry for your loss. :-(
Generally, healthy Cories live for between 5-10 years, with my oldest currently aged 7. It was a good age for the Cory, but in the state you found it, I expect it was a bacterial or stress related illness/problem.

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