

Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
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I thought piranhas basically munched anything in its tank? or am i completely wrong?

im not actually thinking of getting them as i have a community tank lol but i was in the pet shop today looking at tropical fish and they had 3 piranhas in a tank with a red tail catfish? i thought they would munch it? :/

help me out here lol
Nope, my understanding is that they attack weak, ill, old fish etc. or fish that they can attack easily, things bigger than them 'could' be fine.

I'm actually thinking of doing a piranha tank, would be species only though, wouldn't trust them with other fish.
ahhhhh thats interesting to know.

i basically thought they would munch anything that was in the tank - no exceptions.
if they are hungry they will eat tank mates no doubt about it.that said loadsa people get away with tank mates for years and years with no problems just keep the p.s well fed and choose the tank mates carefully.and be prepared for them to eventually dissapear one day.i keep my 4 on their own as i would feel to bad for the fish i put in with them constantly getting bit and living in fear
Depending on the size of the RTC and the Ps, there is the possabilty that the Ps are in more danger of the RTC!

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