20% water change on both tanks weekly I have a magic marker mark on the outside of the tank that I use and its the same on both tanks
both with same filter and tank
both dark gravel bottom and same back drop on both (cut it off the same roll in the store)
a friend of mine had 20 baby pirhanas and i randomly took 5 and put them in each so they are from the same tank and conditions... I admit I don't know the background of them that is
why i got 5 for each for controll
Same light on top
same heater set at same setting (I spent alot on the heater and got a good one for both so i could control the temp)
I test the water regualarly to make sure the water conditions are the same.
Lighting is on a timer-- bulbs are exactly the same as well
both tanks were bought brand new... conditioned and cycled for 3 weeks
My professor has seen and approved my setup and control that I have implimented and said that this experiment is really accurate
My professor and I have sat dow down and tested the water of tank A (the fish eating the flake food) and it is identical to the water in Tank B.
One interesting thing I have also noticed is that Tank B the fish are alot more active and playful where as the fish in tank A just kind of hide in the corner and don't move alot
I will be repeating the experiment again after 4 months of testing (im hoping that tank A survives long enough

These conditions are EXACTLY the same its very interesting actually to see how each tank progresses... the only difference in each tank is the food they are fed