Piranha Problem


New Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Hello there i have two red belly Piranhas and they somtimes chase each other Round the tank and the bigger one somtimes goes to bite the other one But Does not and one of them is loosing skin under its face is this normal its not a bite it might of been Scratched by the gravel but i don't know thanks.
Hello there i have two red belly Piranhas and they somtimes chase each other Round the tank and the bigger one somtimes goes to bite the other one But Does not and one of them is loosing skin under its face is this normal its not a bite it might of been Scratched by the gravel but i don't know thanks.

IMO, you can't have 2 piranhas together. With the Pygo's I would at least get 3 (if you have a 75g tank) and with Serra's you can have only one. Any other number and it's usually a death sentence for the weaker. It's possible but not probable that you can have 2 but even if it happens the weaker one will go through so much torture growing up that it isn't worth it. Piranhas are some of the most territorial fish there are and the most territorial fish I've ever owned.

The larger will almost always kill the smaller if there's just 2 in together so yes it does sound normal to me.
ok cheers for your reply ive just went on what the pet shop told me lol they said my tank was the right size for 2 and 2 is fine if i got 3 they might fight so they Do not Know Much about Piranhas Would u say to put another in the tank? iam unsure what Gallon my tank is i will check at the pet shop
ive had them about 6 weeks now and its odd because they always stay close to each other but when food goes in Thats when the bigger one will just go towards the small one and then it swims away Like the big one i say big the little one is not that small they are proberly almost the same size :p^^
i don't know its just the one they said 2 would be ok in its 17 Inchs Accross and and 20 Inchs From Bottom To Top
eeek, is that your tank? In which case I'm afraid the piranhas are gonna get too big, most people give a group around 90gallons - if I was you I'd return the piranhas and do a bit of looking to see what fish are good for your tank - the piranhas are a no-no unless you get a larger tank.

your LFS doesn't sound very good, I wouldn't trust them in the future
i don't know its just the one they said 2 would be ok in its 17 Inchs Accross and and 20 Inchs From Bottom To Top

You did what you should have done...researched what you were buying beforehand to make sure what you were getting is right with the tank. Unfortunately, you were given horrible advice.

I don't think there are too many lfs' out there that have much knowledge about most fish and even less about piranhas.

it's no fault of yours and I actually applaud you into trying to find out the right info beforehand.

When it comes to cichlids and piranhas (other than Discus) it doesn't matter the height of the aquarium. It's all about depth and length. I can't be sure but if you have 17" depth (front to back...NOT from the front side to side) and a height of 20" it may be that you have a 75g tank. This is a guess but is the front of your tank 4' from side to side and the side of the tank 17"? If so, you might have a 75. I can't imagine you have a 17" front and 20" height but who knows.

Your lfs is so completely wrong about having just 2 red belly's. Like I said, you have to at least start with 3 ( when i try for a tank of 3 in a 75 I start with 5 for any Pygo group) and they WILL kill off the weaker ones to end up with what they think is satisfactory for their territories.

2 in a tank will not work in 99% of all instances. In my 20 years of piranha keeping it has not worked even once. I'm just giving that 1% because I'm sure it has happened before somewhere at some time.

What size are they now? If you add another make sure he's at least within an inch of the largest one or it's likely he won't last either.

If I were you, I would tell the lfs that they gave you bad advice and that you want to trade in the 2 for 3 free ones. If they don't believe you, tell them to come on here, talk to me and I will show them how wrong they are on your behalf. (just make sure you PM me so I can be sure to see your thread)
ok Thanks for all your Advice these pets shops are no good guys the other pet shop buy me has about 6 Fully Grown Piranhas in very small tank and were i bought mine they had like 12 medium Ones in a very small Tank Thas just Crap i think i will be buying a a bigger tank and buy maybe another piranha so there then is 3

Can i host an Image some were of my tank and my Piranha so u can see their size and the tank size?
ok here are the pictures on my piranhas and the tank

Front View

Side View

another side view

at The worst could i wait till they get big and then Move them to a bigger tank? coz that tank seems ok for them now atm

Yea, that's a pretty small tank for them. With piranhas the height isn't that important as they don't use it much. 4' minimum length is what I would suggest.

A larger tank would be your best bet. If posible I would go with a 75g tank and 3 rbp's. They grow pretty fast so you might not have a lot of time. When I get dime-sized rbp's they'll be about 7"-8" in 9-10 months.

I'm sorry you got bad advice from the lfs and I hope you can get a setup that you and your fish are happy with. :)
ok all cheers for your advice now i know what exactly to get like you say i should of double checked Before i bought them but if iam not to late ill go get a bigger tank this week and another piranha cheers :)
ok all cheers for your advice now i know what exactly to get like you say i should of double checked Before i bought them but if iam not to late ill go get a bigger tank this week and another piranha cheers :)
Cool :good: With that attitude Im sure your pirhanas will be in great hands once you get it all sorted out. Thanks for taking advice so humbly. Im sorry if I seemed rude in my earlier, I just get passionate about fish. Good luck with your new tank and fish.


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