piranha fish


New Member
Jul 17, 2005
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i have just bought 2 piranha fish can some tell how much to feed them each day :cool:
Hi Colin,

Welcome to the forum, i'm not sure about the feeding but there are people here who keep them so i'm sure you'll get an answer.

I hope you are aware of the potential size these fish grow to and have a big enough tank with good filteration, they are probably the most abused fish out there as people often buy them without researching just so they can say they have them. Do you keep any other fish?

Piranhas need a big tank to live in and won't get along if they are not the same species, how many gallons does you tank hold? If the piranhas do not feel the tank is big enough for them themselves they will cannibalise each other. Piranhas will eat feeder fish like livebearers or goldfish, but it is wise to find out what the fish eats before you get it in the situation you cannot attend to its feeding needs adequetly and are stuck with a starving fish.
Well I feed mines frozen food (bloodwarms) and sometimes live food. (Guppies) It's really nice to have them in a pack.
I once kept Red Breasted Piranahs (Serrasalmus nattereri) many years ago. I fed them on what was known as Frozen Sprats. These were a large Sardine like fish, which were obtaind from my local fishmonger. They came frozen in 1lb sealed bags. I also fed them fish pellets but they seemed to prefer the frozen Sprats.
your not suposed to keep 2 p's together the agressor will kill the other they say minimal of 3 per tank in some ocasions people get away with 2 but ive read a million times two are a nono by the way min. tank size is 55 us gallon

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